PsyClass founder

Susan Quain

My name is Susan Quain and I am a primary educated teacher with over ten years of experience teaching in a large special school at both primary and secondary level. I also held the role of Designated Liaison Person (Child Protection) in the school for 5 years.

I've always had a passion for Psychology and completed a Psychology degree with the Open University while teaching and I am currently completing a Masters in Psychology in UL.

In January 2021, I decided to take the leap and took up a role as an Assistant Psychologist (AP) in a child and family service. In my work as an AP, I regularly think 'I wish I knew that when I was teaching' and reflect on how useful my newly acquired psychological knowledge would have been to me when supporting students experiencing mental health difficulties in my classroom.

I firmly believe that educators already have the skills, experience and compassion to support students experiencing mental health difficulties- we just need the information and guidance!

I created PsyClass to help bridge this gap and empower educators with the psychological tools needed to respond to their students' needs with calm, confidence and compassion.

B.Ed. Primary Education
BSc Psychology
MRes Masters by Research in Psychology
Preventative Interventions for young people with Intellectual Disabilities who engage in inappropriate or harmful sexual behaviour (HSB), due to complete Dec 2023.
Work Experience
Special Class Teacher, Primary and Secondary Level. (2009-2021)

School Designated Liaison Person (DLP, Child Protection). (2014-2019)

Co-founder and lead co-ordinator of the MMCN Free Tuition Project. (2020-2021)
Assistant Psychologist. National service for youth who engage in harmful sexual behaviour. (2022-present)

Assistant Psychologist. Primary Care Child and Family Psychology Service. (2021-2022)

Part-time Tutor in Cognitive Psychology. Mary Immaculate College, Limerick.
TUSLA. (2021). "Clare School Avoidance Toolkit’.
Contributing author (Susan Quain, HSE Clinical Psychology Department).
Research & Conference Presentations
Masters Research 
“Evaluation of a preventative sexual health program for young people with intellectual disabilities who engage in harmful sexual behaviour in a special school setting.”
NOTA2022, Leeds 
“Inappropriate and harmful sexual behaviours among pupils in special schools: An exploration of staff experiences.”
PSI ECG 2022, Galway 
“The use of psychological interventions in the treatment of harmful sexual behaviour in young people with intellectual disabilities: a systematic review.”
Years of Experience Teaching
Years as an Assistant Psychologist
Years Experience in Educational & Psychological Research
'Supporting Students with Anxiety' Workshop Satisfaction Rate


Susan provided a very informative, interesting and helpful presentation to our annual Parents Association AGM. The feedback from the parents attending was excellent, with many saying that the topic was a very important one and they would welcome further talks and training on this issue from Susan.
Niamh Maughan
Chair of the Parents Association of Bishop Shanahan & Bishop Galvin National Schools.
A very practical and effective webinar for me as a Secondary school year head with tools to deal with immediate cases of anxiety. It equipped me with techniques for short term episodes and with material and worksheets to build a program to incorporate into SPHE. The purpose of this was to help build self-awareness in students to help challenge their anxiety in the long term.
Gráinne O'Meara
2nd Year Head/4th Year AENPiper's Hill College, Naas
Our staff (teachers and SNAs) availed of the online workshop on 'Anxiety in the Classroom' with Susan. The feedback was hugely positive in the informative and engaging way it was facilitated, and the practical strategies provided. Susan has a unique insight into school, and the challenges in supporting children experiencing high levels of anxiety in a classroom setting. She has created a valuable resource for all staff working in schools, which I highly recommend.
Kathryn Corbett
Principal, Bishop Galvin NS
Rinneamar ceardlann ar-líne le PsyClass maidir le himní agus conas tacú le páistí atá ag fulaingt leis agus iad ar scoil.  Bhaineamar an-tairbhe as an gcomhairle, as an saineolas agus as na hacmhainní a chuireadh i láthair agus táimid cinnte go mbeimid in ann an méid a d'fhoghlaim muid a chur i bhfeidhm chun leasa ár bpáistí.
Cian Ó Cuanacháin
Priomhoide, Gaelscoil an Inbhir Mhóir